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Become a Board Member


Board qualifications & requirements


There are no specific requirements for being a Board Member.  Prior non-profit experience is helpful, but not required. You must be able to attend monthly board meetings, either in person or via teleconference. You do not have to live in or near Dallas, TX. We will provide training to help get you up to speed on non-profit issues and related matters. Please apply if you’re interested in furthering our mission even if you don’t think you know enough about running a non-profit. Serving on a non-profit board in Texas comes with certain legal obligations, which I will send to you once we decide to move forward together.


Board Responsibilities

  • Makes final decisions on policies relation to mission, programs, finances, personnel, and public relations.

  • Provides leadership and expertise with technical needs as identified by executive director and staff: for example, legal, accounting, marketing, and fundraising.

  • Expected to know the mission, history, policies, and programs of the organization.

  • Expected to know the duties the board delegates to staff and/or volunteers.

  • Available to be consulted by staff and/or volunteer consultation on matters of related to the organization.

  • Acts as both an informal and, when requested, formal ambassador and spokesperson for the organization.

  • Ensures financial support by participating in fundraising planning and activities.

  • With the help of the staff and volunteers, evaluates and updates the work of the organization to ensure that it is meeting its mission.


What we expect from you as a board member

1. I will give my best effort to “hit the ground running” when beginning my service with the board.

2. I will learn about the organization’s mission and programs, and be able to describe them accurately.

3. I understand that the board meets 12 times per year, plus one annual full-day retreat. I will do my best to attend each meeting, with the understanding that three consecutive unexcused absences will be considered resignation from the board. Board meetings may be attended remotely via phone or teleconference. The annual retreat should be attended in person.

4. I accept fiduciary responsibility for the organization and will oversee its financial health and integrity.

5. I will provide oversight to ensure that our programs run effectively.

6. I accept ethical responsibility and will help to hold fellow board members, the executive director (and, by extension, the full staff) to professional standards.

7. I will serve as an ambassador to the community to educate others and promote our work.

8. I commit to increasing my skills as a board member.

9. I will participate in fundraising to ensure that our organization has the resources it needs to meet its mission. Our organization will be one of the top three charities I support each year that I am on the board.

10. I will evaluate the performance of the executive director.


What board members can expect in return

1. The organization will provide me a full orientation, including background information on work accomplished to date.

2. The organization will provide me with relevant materials and education.

3. I expect board meetings to be well run and productive, with a focus on decision-making, rather than reporting. I understand that agendas will be distributed at least one week in advance. If I wish to add items to the agenda, I will contact the chair at least two weeks in advance.

4. I expect timely, accurate, and complete financial statements to be distributed at least quarterly, one week in advance of the relevant board meeting. I also expect to be trained to interpret these financial statements.

5. I expect monthly reports from the executive director, program updates, press clippings, etc.

6. The organization will provide me with relevant training.

7. I will need materials and may need training (public speaking, etc.) to do this job effectively.

8. The organization will provide me with appropriate training and support.

9. I will be able to choose from a range of fundraising activities, and I expect relevant training and support to help me fulfill my obligations.

10. Evaluation of the E.D. will be based on goals developed jointly by the board and the E.D.


What is the time commitment

Directors can expect to spend 10 hours a month on Stars United Global Outreach business.  The term length for board members is 3 years.


What is the compensation

Board members are volunteers and are not compensated. Reasonable expenses will be reimbursed (e.g., childcare, transportation, meals, approved training).


​How to apply

​Please send your cover letter and resume or bio to

Note:  If sending resume please highlight only work completed  in the non profit sector to include volunteering and leadership positions.  

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